Month: April 2020

Light Bulb

5 Tips To Turning An Internet Viewer Into A Client

Anyone who has ever needed a website for a business, has had the struggle of converting website views into clientele. Google Analytics shows hundreds or thousands of hits, but you aren’t generating any revenue from them. You have the traffic, now it is time to start turning that traffic into a positive for your business.

Make A 2 Way Connection

With a website, the information is always going one way, from the website to the viewer. When the connection goes both ways, the chance of creating a client from that view grows exponentially.

Respond As Fast As Possible

The average time is between 5 and 10 minutes. That is how fast a business who lands a client responds to their questions. If you aren’t responding to your customers within that time frame, someone else has already earned their business.

Answer Their Question

This may seem obvious, but even if their question is a complicated one, answer it in some way. A simple acknowledgement of the question can go an extremely long way, in letting the client know that someone is listening to them and that someone is working on getting them the specific answer that they require.

Get A Preferred Point Of Contact

While there are still many website viewers that prefer phone calls, the vast majority have been shown to prefer texts and emails. Finding out which works best for your potential client can shift their focus on you, instead of the competition. This doesn’t mean that you should only use that avenue, but if you know which works best, use that method first and foremost.

Use An Email Drip Follow Up System

An Email Drip System is a email marketing function that automatically follows up with your customers after certain time frames, such as 30 days, 60 days or even 90 day intervals. You never know when a client might decide to pull the trigger, and using a follow up system will keep customers from falling through the cracks.

While these tips are just a few of many, turning your website viewers into clients is critical for surviving the new age of entrepreneurship. If you would like to learn more in order to really bring your business ahead of the crowd, contact us and allow Fort Web Development an opportunity to earn your business.

CoVID-19, it’s effects on local small businesses and how to mitigate your losses

It is a time of uncertainty, and these times have been the most damaging to small businesses. Many people are relying on their side businesses because their full time careers have been deemed non-essential. Nobody understands this better than Mary Meeker, who writes an annual ‘Internet Trends’ report. Ari Levi of CNBC writes,

Mary Meeker presents her annual Internet Trends Report at Code 2018.

‘Mary Meeker, the former tech investment banker who has spent the past decade in venture capital, is out with a new 29-page report on how the coronavirus is shaping economic activity, consumer behavior and technology.

The report, which Axios published on Friday, says businesses that are doing the best in the current crisis use cloud technologies, sell products that are always needed, can easily be found online, make other businesses more efficient and have a good social media presence.

“Many of these offline-to-online trends have been in place for a while,” the report says. “Covid-19 just accelerated them.”

In the world of on-demand services, which has raked in tens of billions of dollars in capital in recent years, fortunes are split. Uber and Lyft are struggling from a plunge in ridership and Airbnb is getting crushed from a drop in travel.

Meanwhile, Instacart and DoorDash, which are in the business of delivering food and groceries “have experienced surging demand and are aggressively bringing on new workers,” the report said. “Net, we believe on-demand and to-the-door delivery services may be gaining permanent market share in these unusual times.”’

So what does this mean for small business owners? Brick and Mortar shops are excellent for potential clients to put their eyes and hands on your products and services. If your business storefront is closed, how are your clients able to reach out? They are using their home computers and their mobile devices to make purchasing decisions. Do not allow yourself to fall behind because of the uncertainty of the internet. Contact us today for a free consultation on your web presence requirements.

Fort Web Development

Free Website Consulting

Are you having issues with your current website?

Would you like a smoother website design?

Do you feel you are wasting money with your current web solution?

We’re currently offering free consultations to local businesses in order to help spread the word about Fort Web Development. Allow us to take an in depth look at your web presence, including your website and social media. We can give you tips on how to improve, offer services you may be over looking. Click here to contact me. We are happy to help!

At Fort Web Development, we use the latest technologies and plugins to optimize the website for Search Engine rankings, harden securities and create beautiful layouts that your company can easily make changes to in order to fit your needs. Need someone to manage your website? We can handle that as well!

Welcome and Thank you!

This is my first post to my brand new Web Development website. Welcome! And Thank you for stopping by! I expect a long journey ahead, as I am finally launching my very own web development business. My goal is to provide my family, friends and community with efficient, easy to use and visually appealing websites. The internet is no longer a suggested way of advertising. It has become a staple to every business, even those with brick and mortar storefront.

Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

I know that there are millions of web developers out there, and the technology used is just as overwhelming. Should you use HTML, CSS and Javascript? What about libraries or frameworks, such as Express, Vue, React, Redux, etc.? The list is never ending when it comes to web development. You can even use frameworks for Python, C# or Ruby, such as Django, Flask or Rails. If you are wondering where to get started, you are not alone. I look forward to providing answers, tips and tricks and even some trade secrets along the way.